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Become a member
As a member you’re welcome to share experiences and knowledge. Socialize and get to know other sex workers both in our online forum or through the volunteer work within the organisation.
To avoid excluding anybody based on personal economy the membership is free and since we all know the importance of discretion we do NOT want your real name and personal information. What we need on the other hand is for you to verify yourself as a sex worker by providing information and meeting with one of our members (irl or through Skype for instance). If you know a member they can vouch for you.
Everyone engaging in Fuckförbundet are sex workers.
Rules for membership
Respect each others differences and treat others like you wish to be treated yourself.
It’s strictly prohibited to out members.
It’s forbidden to lend your login details to a third party
It is in any way forbidden to share content from the membership pages in any way.
We actively strive to work against whorarchies in Fuckförbundet. Everyone is equally valuable
We actively work to abolish the law known as The Swedish Model.
We wish to receive a short presentation of yourself, where you’re based, your preferred alias within the membership community, address to your website/ads and if possible, a recommendation by a verified member who knows you personally. Because of safety reasons, please don't use your private email adress.
After approval you can register your membership by creating an account on the webpage to gain access to all our functions. If you’re using another email than the one provided in the application we must be notified to approve application.
Mark the subject with ”member”.