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Community For Sex Workers



are an association founded in the spring of 2017 by and for sex workers, that is, for all who work with sexual arousal in one way or another.


Our two key functions are to uphold a community that offers support for all kinds of sex workers in Sweden, and to raise the awareness on sex workers rights and the negative impacts from the current set of laws. We are a grass roots organisation fighting for our rights to self-determination, justice, safety and human rights. For us to make a change we need allyship. Show that we exist and are listened to.

If your feminism excludes marginalized groups of people then it’s not worthy of it’s name!

Nothing about us without us!

20 Years Of Failing Sex workers

For our conference "Sex Work, Human Rights And Health: Assessing 20 Years Of Swedish Model" we release a compiling report "20 Years Of Failing Sex Workers".

Our Values

Featured Posts

Decrim NOW!

For sex workers and people who sell sex safety and health, we demand the export of the Swedish Sex Purchase Act to cease and that Sweden faces full decriminalization.

It is time to give us rights, safer working conditions and safer lives. This oppression must end!



Our store where you find sweaters of all kinds, tote bags, pins etc.

Show your support for sex workers' fight for rights and safety.


In this store you find anything but clothes. Here you will find, among other things, mugs, stickers, prints, toilet bags and much more!

Support Fuckförbundet

We who work with Fuckförbundet do this non-profit and until 2019 we have paid everything ourselves. In 2019 we received a grant from the Open Society Foundation, which will go to our participation in Pride Stockholm 2019 & 2020, organize an international conference this fall and member activities.

For us, every day is a struggle and we dream to one day have the same rights as everyone else and live a life free from stigma and discrimination. Support our fight with a financial contribution so we can afford to continue to make our voice heard and contribute to Fuckförbundet's work for sex workers' rights, physical and mental health!



If you want to get in touch with us as an individual / organization / media / politician you can reach us at or through the form below.


If you have knowledge that can help our members in different ways and are willing to support us ideally, you are most welcome get in touch. For example, members may be in need of a lawyer, healthcare for the paperless, psychologist, etc. We also need an app developer as well as a meeting room in Gothenburg area and maybe Stockholm aswell.

We look forward to working with organizations for human rights, HBTQ, migrants and others who support our case.

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Law: Swedish model

42% of sex workers are more exposed to violence than before the introduction of the law.

63% of the sex workers experience a deterioration in their living conditions.

38% of sex workers find it more difficult to demand use of condom.


Law: Swedish model

The 2-year report after the introduction of the Swedish Sex Purchase Act shows that crime against sex workers has increased by 90% and violent crime against sex workers has increased by 92%.

Less than 1% who reported crime to Ugly Mug's warning app says they have or will report to Gardaí (the police in Ireland).


Law: Swedish model

Increased stigma & discrimination.

Both sex workers and customers avoid contact with the police even when needed.

Sex workers experience they have no power to negotiate safer conditions.

Nya Zeeland

Law: Decrim for NZ citizens

Sex workers have the absolute right to decline clients without providing a reason.

Increased living conditions.


More likely to report bad incidents to police post-decrim.

Greater powers of negotiatation of safer sex with clients.

© 2020 Fuckförbundet


Member of ICRSE & NSWP

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