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Swedish Model 20 Years - The Conference

Skribentens bild: FuckförbundetFuckförbundet

Uppdaterat: 30 sep. 2019


On the 30th of September 2019, Fuckförbundet and the International Committee on the Rights of Sex Workers in Europe (ICRSE), are having a conference in Stockholm to highlight the 20th anniversary of the Swedish Model.

The conference will take place in central Stockholm and will offer recent insights into the effects of end demand models in Europe with a focus on sex workers’ health and rights. A diverse list of speakers including sex workers, lawyers, researchers, service providers, public health professionals, policy makers and advocates from different parts of the world, will present community and academic reports and evidence. The conference will also include space for debates, questions and answers.

Some of the speakers

  • Members of sex worker led organisations from countries that have criminalised the purchase of sex: Fuckförbundet (SE), Syndicat du travail sexuel (FR), PION (NO), Sex Worker Alliance Ireland (IE), Argaman (Israel)

  • Researchers and academics: London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, SexHum, SWMH, Petra Östergren

  • European regional networks of marginalised communities: Transgender Europe (TGEU), The Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants (PICUM).

  • International Health and rights organisations: Médecins du monde, Amnesty International.

  • Swedish health and rights organisations

There are some room for more guests to attend. Please contact us at if you would like an invitation.


© 2020 Fuckförbundet


Member of ICRSE & NSWP

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