Being critical towards academics and media
Titsandsass.com - Why you shouldn't study sex work Autocannibalism.wordpress.com - Why You Shouldn’t Study Sex Work in School
Migrant sex workers organizing
Queerfemoasen.wordpress.com - Projekt för migrerande sexarbetare om gränser och byggandet av rörelser
Migrant sex workers and decriminalization
E-book on different sw-topics
Sex workers abroad
Opendemocracy.net - Sex work activism in South Africa Theguardian.com - Bangkok museum celebrates Thai sex industry and its workers Broadly.vice.com - The bar owned and run entirely by a thai sex workers collective Opendemocracy.net - We don’t do sex work because we are poor, we do sex work to end our poverty Yourstory.com - Indian sex workers organizing
Lastradainternational.org - La Strada International, focusing on Eastern Europe Behindtheredlightdistrict.blogspot.se - how banks discriminate sex workers in Holland
Drug using sex workers
Theinfluence.org - Here’s What Real Sex Workers Say About That “Hooker Using Drugs to Numb the Pain” Trope Theinfluence.org - "Junkie Whore" — What Life Is Really Like for Sex Workers on Heroin
Sugar baby/Sugar dating
The porn industry
Splinternews.com - racism in porn Inverse.com - A map of the world's porn interests 2016 Pinklabel.tv - The willingness to pay for porn Thedailybeast.com - Why porn has gotten so rough Dailydot.com - Bree Olsons untold story
Coming out
Client/Friend support
Huffingtonpost.com - Suspicious claims on sex workers clients being more violent Us.makemefeed.com - How Can Sex Worker Clients Fight to Legalize Sex Work? Queerfemoasen.wordpress.com - Om att dejta och ha vänskaper med sexarbetare Queerfemoasen.wordpress.com - Ge dina pengar till kvinnor
Violence against sex workers in numbers
Youth sex workers
Sex worker activism in history
Emotional labor
Thebodyisnotanapology.com - 50 Ways People Expect Constant Emotional Labor from Women and Femmes Notchesblog.com - Sexual-labour-day
Being a sex worker parent
Racism in sex work
Prostitutescollective.net - The work black prostitute women face of dealing with racism including from clients Charlenesayo.com - a complicated sisterhood the perils of slutwalk and the surge of transnational fourth wave feminism
Capitalism/Class society
Salvage.zone - Marxism for Whores Theindependent.ca - Capitalism, feminism & sex work Queerfemoasen.wordpress.com - Translated interview with Angela Davis (Swedish)
LGBTQIA+/Disabled sex work
Titsandsass.com - The tedium of trans sex work Queerfemoasen.wordpress.com - Vad är vänster om queer migration sexualitet och känslosamhet i en nyliberal värld Queerfemoasen.wordpress.com - Minns hyllningen till sexarbetare i Stone butch blues Queerfemoasen.wordpress.com - Ludo Foster om att vara en ickebinär transman som rasifieras Pion-norge.no - sexarbetarkamp och queerfeminism