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Fuckförbundet 2 years today!!!

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Today is Fuckförbundets 2nd birthday!!! 2 years ago four sex workers had a fika at Condeco on Linnegatan in Göteborg and felt the need of a community: somewhere to talk, get support and understanding of the stigma and the very precarious situations we encounter as sex workers in Sweden. We needed to learn from eachothers experiences and eachothers advices on how to become more safe at work and in life! We created Fuckförbundet.

Through the years we have grown a lot.

  • We have arranged workshops for our members to get more educated and able to tackle situations we confront.

  • We have had a meeting with Jämställdhetsmyndigheten about sex workers rights, how we are affected by the swedish model and about the evidence based researches that has been presented in the nordic countries, and in France and Ireland about the swedish model there.

  • We have attended Stockholm Pride for 2 years and had a panel there. Check out our panel this year too!

  • We have also had a parade equipage. Last year we were 45 people on the float so this year we will have an even bigger one. Come join us <3

  • We have been creative sex workers and held a sex worker arts exhibition at StaDemonia Tattoo Stockholm. We are now touring with the exhibition and you will be able to see it at diffrent places his year.

  • We have gotten in contact with loads of sex workers abroad who are also working against the swedish model.

  • Some of our members has been in media: the Hur kan vi-podcast, the Angry Foreigner-podcast , Nya Wermlands-Tidningen/Karlstadsliv, ETC-tidningarna, KIT, Aftonbladet, Sveriges Radio, Vestmanlands Läns Tidning, QX mm.

  • We have become a real organization. Unfortunately we have been denied a bank account from several banks in Sweden even though we only work for human rights, but we will work this out anyway.

Most people still don't want to hear about evidence based research. However more and more people in Sweden are listening to us and dare questioning #sexköpslagen. This is huge for us. Many of us are used to not being listened to and to become infantilized, discriminated, outed, and rebuked with both legal ad non legal consequenses. To have a community means a lot. It's a space where you are seen as a complex person, where you are listened to no matter if you have experienced a positive, negative or mixed situation.

Welcome all new members and all future members. <3

Saga Beckers speach about sex workers rights at Euro Pride 2018:

The pictures of the cakes has nothing to do with Fuckförbundet. It's just symbolic cool cakes from the internet.


© 2020 Fuckförbundet


Member of ICRSE & NSWP

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